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Starfall vs Insect Swarm Glyphs

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Starfall vs Insect Swarm Glyphs Empty Starfall vs Insect Swarm Glyphs

Post  Chloeve Fri May 14, 2010 11:20 am

I'm trying to decide what glyph to use since starfall is so effin powerful
Glyph of Starfall or Glyph of Insect Swarm....

The Starfall Glyph reduces the cooldown of starfall by 30seconds... putting it at 1min cooldown.

The Insect Swarm Glyph increases the damage of IS by 30% but no longer reduces the targets chance to hit.


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Join date : 2010-02-18

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Starfall vs Insect Swarm Glyphs Empty Re: Starfall vs Insect Swarm Glyphs

Post  Aura Fri May 14, 2010 7:34 pm

I personally like to keep a stack of both on me just depending on the fight. However I like starfall glyph a lot more since that is a lot of dps. However you have to determine your own playing style and figure it out from there. I know unhelpful but that is my two cents.


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