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raiding schedule

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raiding schedule Empty raiding schedule

Post  Modam/ Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:16 pm

As for available raid times...7 days a week till midnight, all day on weekends.


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raiding schedule Empty Re: raiding schedule

Post  EggSAladin Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:06 am

Thanks you for registering on the site and posting your availability. From next week on, plz post your availability on the appropriate thread in the PvE forum. This thread is usually created on Friday evenings (or on Saturdays, usually before noon) and is locked around noon on Mondays. Thanks again, and welcome.

Edit: I noticed your schedule is very open for raids. If it is like this every week then don't worry about posting. However, if you know that you can't raid on a certain day/night then try to let us know ahead of time so that we don't schedule ICC25 or your 10 man's group on that day.


Posts : 80
Join date : 2010-02-18
Age : 37

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