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ICC compilation of what works and what doesn't!!!! README NOA!!!!

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ICC compilation of what works and what doesn't!!!! README NOA!!!! Empty ICC compilation of what works and what doesn't!!!! README NOA!!!!

Post  Guest Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:03 pm

(all credit for the research and compilation of this spreadsheet goes to Bowjób I have only added comments) TY <3

This list shall contain the following format:

Ability - Encounter - <Tested> Y / <Needs to be Tested> N - Functionality being tested


DT - BQ - Y - Does not deflect Incite Terror
DT - BQ - N - Deflects Bloodbolt Splashes sourced from other players.

The 1st example says that Deterrence has been tested to deflect Incite Terror during the Blood-Queen encounter and does not deflect it.
The 2nd example says that Deterrence has not been tested yet to see if it will deflect Bloodbolt Splashes from other players being hit by Twilight Bloodbolt.

Abbreviation List - Possible Hunter Abilities

FD - Feign Death
DT - Deterrence
DE - Disengage
TS - Tranquilizing Shot
AS - Aimed Shot
SS - Silencing Shot
SC - Scatter Shot
DS - Distracting Shot
MD - Misdirection
ET - Explosive Trap
MC - Master's Call
AP - Aspect of the Pack
FA - Freezing Arrow/Trap
WS - Wyvern Sting
NA - Not a Hunter ability, line item refers to functionality not particular to any Hunter abilities

Abbreviation List - Encounters

LM - Lord Marrowgar
LD - Lady Deathwhisper
GB - Gunship Battle
DS - Deathbringer Saurfang
FG - Festergut
RF - Rotface
PP - Professor Putricide
BP - Blood Prince Council
BQ - Blood-Queen Lana'thel
VD - Valithria Dreamwalker
SG - Sindragosa
LK - Lich King Arthas

FD - LM - Y - Does not free you from Bone Spikes
DT - LM - Y - Prevents damage from Bone Storm
DT - LM - Y - Prevents damage from Coldflame (but u really shouldn't need this lol)
TS - LD - Y - Does not remove Fanatic/Adherent Determination from Reanimated Fanatic/Adherent.
TS - LD - Y - Removes 'Shroud of the Occult' magic shield from all Adherent types.
DS - DS - Y - Can be used to force Blood Beasts to attack you for DS duration.
FD - DS - Y - When used for Blood Beasts you may regain all threat when you pop up(Heroic only)
ET - DS - Y - Blood Beast AE dmg reduction does not apply to the DoT effect of Explosive Traps
MC - DS - Y - Master's Call works on the slow effect that Saurfang applies when the beasts are out. (Hard Mode)
FD - FG - N - If used in the instant he targets you will stop a Vile Gas attack
DT - FG - Y - Does not deflect a Vile Gas attack
DT - FG - Y - Does not prevent damage from Gaseous Blight
DT - FG - Y - Does not prevent damage from Pungent Blight
DT - FG - N - Deterrence functions the same as it does for (H) Festergut as for PP encounter
DT - RF - Y - Does not prevent damage from Slime Spray
DS - RF - Y - Can be used to force 'Big Ooze' to follow you for DS duration
DT - RF - N - Can be used to prevent damage from Radiating Ooze and Weak Radiating Ooze
DT - RF - Y - Does not prevent damage and slowing effect from Ooze Flood.
MC - RF - Y - Provides immunity to Ooze Flood slowing effect.
FD - RF - Y - Has no impact on Small Ooze spawning off you(contrary to prev report)
FD - PP - Y - Does not prevent you from being frozen by Tear Gas
FD - PP - Y - Can be used when targeted by Volatile Ooze to force it to pick a new target. Ooze new target selection also takes several additional seconds. Best used in the second before the Ooze would hit you and blow everyone up. (I was not able to get this to work - when I asked, he suggested applying it early)
DT - PP - Y - Does not prevent you from being frozen by Tear Gas
DT - PP - Y - Does not prevent you from being struck by Volatile 'Ooze Eruption'
DT - PP - Y -- Deterrence will work on Malleable Oozes that target you directly. It will negate all damage ONLY if you are the target (and the slow casting effect), and will not affect the AoE damage (or slow effect) if you are splashed. Great help for those times you're targeted by the green ooze and Malleable'd at the same time.
DT - BP - Y - Prevents damage from 'Shadow Lance' (if applied immediately when casting starts)
NA - BP - Y - Dark Nucleus will stick to whoever attacked them last. Use Scorpid Sting to keep them on you if tanking. (I suggest a lower level rank one shot, no DOT)
NA - BP - Y - Pets can prevent Kinetic Bomb from landing indefinitely. Should be on passive and manually sent in to attack to accomplish this. Note that Kinetic Bombs will despawn during the encounter and your pet will need to be resent in to attack a new one.

(here's a good macro for this:
/tar Kinetic

Make sure to put your pet on passive before the fight though. as soon as it returns to your side after said KB despawns you will notice faster and be able to send it out to the next - this over it attacking a random target from being in defensive/aggressive)
FD - BQ - Y - Does not prevent being hit by Incite Terror
DT - BQ - Y - Does not prevent being hit by Incite Terror
DT - BQ - Y - Prevents damage from Twilight Bloodbolt
DT - BQ - Y - Prevents damage from Shroud of Sorrow
DT - BQ - N - Prevents damage from Swarming Shadows
DT - BQ - Y - Does not prevent damage from Pact of the Darkfallen
DT - BQ - Y - Does not prevent damage from Bloodbolt Splash caused by other players
DT - BQ - N - Prevents Bloodbolt Splash from happening on Twilight Bloodbolts cast on you
DE - BQ - Y - If player is targeted by Twilight Bloodbolt during Bloodbolt Whirl, and has not yet landed, splash occurs at players original position. If Disengaging out be aware that this functionality could cause additional damage from splash to other raid members and so you should avoid Disengaging in the couple seconds prior to and during Bloodbolt Whirl for positioning to be clear.
DT - VD - Y - Prevents damage from Lay Waste (although you should be shooting, not hiding)(Blazing Skeleton)
DT - VD - N - Prevents damage from Column of Frost
DT - VD - Y - Prevents damage from Acid Burst(Blistering Zombie)
DT - VD - N - Prevents damage from Frostbolt Volley(Risen Archmage)
DT - VD - N - Prevents damage from Gut Spray(Gluttonous Abomination)
DS - VD - Y - Can be used to force Blistering Zombies to follow you for the duration (and the casters, technically)
DE - SG - Y - Can be used while being Icy Grip'd to jump back sooner
FD - SG - Y - Can be used to prevent being hit by Icy Grip
AP - SG - Y - Frost Aura damage does not cause Daze affect from Aspect
DT - SG - Y - Prevents damage from Frost Aura
DT - SG - Y - Does not prevent damage from Blistering Cold
DT - SG - N - Prevents damage from Chilled to the Bone
DT - SG - Y - Does not prevent the application of Mystic Buffet debuff
NA - SG - Y - Shots that cause magical damage do not proc Backlash or Chilled to the Bone
NA - SG - Y - Icy Grip can be avoided by using the Frost Tomb to get out of LOS
DE - LK - Y - If you are being carried by a Valk and it is killed with you in midair, you can disengage back onto the platform. However if the Valk drops you then you will be too low to Disengage back
TS - LK - Y - Shambling Horror Enrage can and should be Tranq'd. Their enrage has a cast time.
DT - LK - N - Prevents damage from Shockwave(shambling horror)
FD - LK - Y - Does not prevent Hunter from being targeted by Valkyrie's
DT - LK - N - Prevents throwback(Ice Burst) from Ice Sphere
DT - LK - N - Prevents damage from Ice Pulse(Ice Sphere)
DT - LK - N - Prevents damage from Pain and Suffering(Lich King)
DT - LK - Y - Does not prevent damage from Remorseless Winter
FD - LK - Y - Does not prevent a Raging Spirit from spawning
DT - LK - N - Prevents damage from Soul Shriek(Raging Spirit)
DT - LK - Y - Does not prevent damage/trigger of Defile
DE - LK - Y - The mechanics of Disengage leave the Hunter at their original position until landing. Do not try to Disengage out of Defile or away if you get Defile
NA - LK - Y - Turn on chat bubbles and use the DBM Alpha version to easily see who has Defile so you can move away from them
DT - LK - Y - Does not prevent damage from Spirit Burst(Vile Spirit)
SC - LK - Y - Does not interrupt Soul Rip
FA - LK - Y - Does not interrupt Soul Rip
WS - LK - Y - Does not interrupt Soul Rip
WS - LK - N - Wyvern Sting Interrupts Spirit Warden's 'Soul Rip' in Frostmourne chamber
TS - LK - N - Tranquilizing Shot Interrupts Spirit Warden's 'Soul Rip' in Frostmourne chamber (not tested - technically tranq should work since "- Soul Rip — Deals increasing Shadow damage per second for 8 seconds. Interruptable. Magic dispellable.")

Wink Marl


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