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ICC25 - General Rules

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ICC25 - General Rules Empty ICC25 - General Rules

Post  EggSAladin Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:47 am

I just want to - very briefly - go over some general rules that we use in our part-guild part-pug 25 man runs. These rules are NOT new, I am simply typing them out so that we are all on the same page.

1. Don't show up unless you can stay from the time raid starts, until the time raid is finished. As of late, raids have ended at or before midnight.

2. Roster priority will be given to people who not only show up on a consistent basis, but to those whose performance and attitude meets or exceeds our expectations - whether they be guildies, friends, or pugs. If you tunnel vision (i.e. DPS the boss while an add that has to be killed is still up, etc.) constantly complain about loot, don't run back quickly after we wiped, or if you're generally disruptive, have a bad attitude and/or if you're simply bad, chances are you will be replaced. We only have one night for this raid, so let's make it count.

3. Be on time - don't wait for a summon, make sure you are at ICC at the time raid is scheduled to start - come prepared and keep AFKs to a minimum. This includes having the flasks/buff food you might need and having the correct specs at the time raid is scheduled to begin.

4. Loot rules:

a. Main spec > Off-spec. Your main spec is your main spec. That may sounds obvious, but some people like to roll as a different spec on specific fights if they have been asked to perform a role other than the one they are accustomed to for that particular fight. Main spec rolls are 1-100* and off-spec rolls are 1-50**.

b. 1 item per player per boss. 1 tier token per run. No vent means no loot, no exceptions.

c. If you win a roll but you absolutely failed, and/or if the raid leader feels like someone else deserves the item, we reserve the right to award the item you "won" to someone else in the raid - be it the next highest roll or a person of our choosing. To clarify, (as of 9/15/2010) this has never happened and will probably never happen, but it's always smart to state this so people stay sharp. In the unlikely event that this occurs, the raid leader will state his reasoning for giving the item to someone else and the person who "won" the roll on the item but is not eligible to receive it, will be given a chance to state why he/she should get the item.

d. No gear is reserved. However, the primordial saronites go to the guild bank and the Shadowmourne quest items go to Valdrys.

e. BoE's - from bosses or trash - are main spec rolls ONLY and if you won the roll you must equip them. Any non-main spec BoE's go to the guild bank.

f. For any piece of gear that drops we enforce class armor priority. So, for example, warlocks and mages have priority over boomkins on cloth items. If you roll on an item that you could technically use but it is no good for you (i.e. not even close to being BiS) you may or may not be allowed to obtain that item. For instance, if a warrior and a SV hunter roll on Wodin's Lucky Necklace, and the warrior wins the roll, the necklace would probably go to the hunter. A lot of idiots like to go off "gearscore" and do not realize that there is such a thing as BiS gear for specific classes and specs. In the event that no one else rolled against said warrior, the raid leader reserves the right to keep the neck piece for the guild bank since it is a BoE that is 15th BiS for the warrior.

g. Attendance incentive - For every consecutive week that you show up to our raids you will be able to roll +5 on an item of your choice, but the + rolls cap at +20. So if you've shown up for 4 weeks in a row, and an item that you really want drops off a boss, you can roll 1-120. If you win the item, you use up your rolling bonus. However, if you do not win the item you keep your rolling bonus and you can use it once another item you want drops. For more information, please visit the PvE forum and read the sticky.

* unless you have a rolling bonus from the attendance incentive.
** you may not use the rolling bonus for off-spec.

*****We reserve the right to change any of these rules at any time.


Posts : 80
Join date : 2010-02-18
Age : 37

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