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cautionibite lizravens divinelaw headometer

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cautionibite lizravens divinelaw headometer Empty cautionibite lizravens divinelaw headometer

Post  app Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:46 pm

cautionibite/druid/feral cat feral tank

joseph shelley

age 24

pacific time zone

druid played about 2 months off and on as i have many toons
on my druid 5kgs os 5.2 ms
and i dont mind playing feral tank
and yes if neccesry willing to change tank spec to boomkin or resto will need to gear for though as i have none for these specs

im happy with feral cept the bleeds are to short lol but the rotation is fun and challenging

link for druid i

link for mage is

link for pali is

link for preist is

im currently 11/12 10 man 9/12 25 9/12 heroic 10 3/12 heroic 25

i use tuant master, badkitty, recount, healbot and dbm

tuant master is great for tanking and agro watch
badkitty for bleeds and debuff watching
dbm for obvious reasons
and healbot as i like the interface

i use the standard ui i lvled and raided with it so long im used to it
heres screen shot link

and yes my mic works
yes i have speakers i use a headset though
and yes if anything i talk to much

open raid availability
i dont mind staying after
no i have no reason to afk for long periods of time
and yes my comp can handle 25 and 10 mans without issues
i was in angels of misfotune they are a lvling guild and theres way to much drama and its falling apart so i left

and yes i read the dkp loot idea i under stand it basicly members that are in good standing get points to add to there roll on loot


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cautionibite lizravens divinelaw headometer Empty Re: cautionibite lizravens divinelaw headometer

Post  Splewsh Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:03 pm

It appears your links to your toon's gear did not work, or maybe you just haven't put them in yet. Might want to fix that Smile


Posts : 53
Join date : 2010-02-17

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cautionibite lizravens divinelaw headometer Empty Re: cautionibite lizravens divinelaw headometer

Post  EggSAladin Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:22 am

I'm no expert at feral druids, so I'll have Phorius check you out.

As for the purely logistical stuff, from what I see you've only done up to Blood Queen on ten man and you don't have much ICC experience on your feral druid, or on any of your toons for that matter. Do you know all the encounters and the hard modes? We have a very limited amount of time to raid (1 night a week for 25-man) and although I do not mind going over encounters and their mechanics every once in a while, stopping and explaining every boss (or only Sindy+LK) drastically slows us down. Moreover, having just one person fuck up on defile or not moving away from the raid when he or she is frost beaconed, is deadly.

I'm also concerned about the fact that you've only been playing your druid for 2 months. I know that people can learn classes relatively quickly, but fine tuning your play style with a specific class/toon can take a long time to achieve. Along that same line of thought: do you change mains frequently? We try to have our members stick to one toon/spec for all our raids and I'm just worried about you getting bored with your druid once it gets geared and moving on to another class/spec.

We are also very melee heavy at the moment. And while that isn't a huge setback, it does get slightly annoying on fights like LK25 where people have to avoid one another when defile is coming.

On a positive note, we are looking for a feral tank.

Thanks for taking the time to apply. Feel free to reply whenever you can. I'll have a talk with Phorius as soon as he logs on and will give you an update accordingly. Oh, and sorry about the delayed reply to your app; things have been slightly hectic around here.


Posts : 80
Join date : 2010-02-18
Age : 37

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cautionibite lizravens divinelaw headometer Empty Re: cautionibite lizravens divinelaw headometer

Post  EggSAladin Sat Sep 11, 2010 4:26 pm

We had our kitty look you up and he was slightly confused (to say the least) with your gemming choices, itemization, and spec. Plus, did you log out in your PvP gear?

Whenever you get a chance could you whisper Phorius so you two can talk s'more? Thanks Smile


Posts : 80
Join date : 2010-02-18
Age : 37

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